
The Top 5 Metaverse Trends to Watch in 2023

Guillaume Chichmanov
December 25, 2022

As we move into 2023, it is clear that the Metaverse will continue to evolve and shape the way we interact with each other and the world around us. Here are five predictions for the Metaverse in 2023:

Generative AI will accelerate metaverse creation & game development

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can create unique, original content. In the Metaverse, generative AI can be used to create unique virtual environments, objects, and experiences. This will enable designers to quickly and easily create new and innovative experiences within the Metaverse, leading to a proliferation of unique and diverse virtual worlds.

Stable diffusion, OpenAI & NVIDIA are all three working on AI technology that can generate 3D models. A16z has recently published an article on generative AI for gaming and has predicted that of all entertainment, the gaming industry will be the most impacted by the technology, lowering the barrier to entry for game developers.

Virtual wearables will become a key strategy for fashion brands

As the Metaverse becomes more mainstream, virtual fashion is likely to experience the highest adoption growth. Virtual fashion allows users to express themselves and showcase their personal style in the virtual world. As more people become accustomed to spending time in virtual reality, we can expect to see an increase in demand for virtual fashion items and accessories.

Many brands have already jumped on this new trend (Nike, LVMH, Addidas, Lacoste…) partnering with metaverse players like Ready Player Me, Roblox, or RTFKT.

Check out our previous article on Avatars to learn more about strategies that brands are using to generate sales & awareness through the metaverse avatars.

New Metaverse standards will be created

As the Metaverse continues to grow, it is likely that new standards will be created to ensure interoperability and compatibility between different virtual worlds and platforms. These standards will help to ensure that users can easily move between different virtual environments and that their experiences are consistent across different platforms.

Check out this latest article about USD ( Universal Scene Description) and how it could become a metaverse standard for 3D.

In 2023, it will be also interesting to follow the discussions led by organizations like OMA3 and the Metaverse Standards Forum, which are focused on researching & setting interoperability standards for the metaverse.

The VR/AR adoption will experience a double-digit growth

The VR and AR markets are expected to continue to grow in 2023, with the launch of new and improved headset technologies. As VR and AR become more accessible and user-friendly, we can expect to see an increase in the adoption of these technologies within the Metaverse.

Key players like Apple are excepted to launch VR headsets in 2023, and we all know how apple tends to disrupt the market and drive consumer adoption with their hardware.

However, we believe to drive this growth in adoption major players in the space will need to collaborate (Microsoft, Meta, Google, etc…) and not work in silos – a highly fragmented market and products with low compatibility may slow down adoption. The big players know that, and this is why Meta & Microsoft have already announced a partnership to create the corporate metaverse of tomorrow.

More manufacturers will start to adopt digital twin technologies

NVIDIA, a leading technology company, is actively investing in the development of the industrial metaverse. The industrial metaverse is a virtual environment designed for use in manufacturing and other industrial settings. It allows companies to test and optimize processes and equipment in a virtual environment, leading to increased efficiency and reduced costs. As NVIDIA continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in the industrial metaverse, we can expect to see significant growth in this area in 2023.

With Omniverse, NVIDIA has already presented impressive uses cases for the industrial metaverse – a great example is their latest work with BMW in which they collaborated to create the factory of the future.

Overall, it is clear that the Metaverse will continue to evolve and shape the way we interact with each other and the world around us in 2023. From the proliferation of unique and diverse virtual worlds, to the growth of virtual fashion and the adoption of VR and AR technologies, the Metaverse is sure to offer exciting new experiences and opportunities for all.

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