
Tips on hiring a 3D Team for Your Game

Guillaume Chichmanov
September 28, 2023

Developing a game in 3D requires specialized skills in 3D modeling, animation, texturing, rigging, and more.

As an indie developer or studio, you may not have all that expertise in-house. That’s where hiring a dedicated 3D team can really benefit your project.

In this post, we’ll explore the options for building your 3D dream team.

Pros:Long-term commitment to the projectDeep understanding of the game's needsMore consistent art style and qualityCons:Higher overhead costsLess flexibility if project scope changesCan be difficult to find all required skills in-house

Working with Freelancers vs 3D Studios

Freelancers offer flexible capacity and specialized skills without the commitment of full hires. However, managing multiple freelancers can be time-consuming.

Freelancer Pros:Low overhead costsSpecialized, hard-to-find skillsFlexibility in team size and compositionFreelancer Cons:Less consistent style and qualityHigher management burdenLack of deep, long-term commitment

3D studios provide turnkey service but lack deeper involvement in the game vision.

Studio Pros:End-to-end production capabilitiesConsistent style and qualityExperienced project managementStudio Cons:Less flexibility in team or scopeArtists not invested in game's visionHigher costs for full production

The “Extended Team” Model

A third option is building an “extended team” of core in-house and supplemental external artists. This provides flexibility while maintaining creative oversight and vision. Core artists ensure consistency, while freelancers provide targeted support.

The extended team offers the best of both worlds – your core vision holders working closely with freelance domain experts. By strategically combining hired staff and extended freelancer pools, you can create an agile, scalable 3D team tailored to your project needs.

Cominted Labs has a 3D on-demand offer that works as a extended team model. Learn more about our offer here. Its starts at $5,000/m and you get a dedicated 3D team for your project!

Key Takeaways

– Hiring full-time makes sense if you have a large, stable scope requiring consistent art across a long project.

– For flexible capacity and specialized skills, freelancers and studios can supplement or replace full hires.

– The “extended team” blends internal oversight with external flexibility.

Think critically about your needs, budget, and vision when building your 3D team. With the right hiring strategy, you can assemble the ideal creative partners to bring your game vision to life.

Free guide to outsourcing 3D

Finding and managing skilled freelance 3D artists can be challenging.

That’s why we’ve created a comprehensive guide to outsourcing 3D art and animation specifically for game studios. We cover:

Checklist 1: Finding the right partners

Checklist 2: Effective collaboration

Checklist 3: Managing outsourced 3D workflows

– The 10 golden rules for success in outsourcing 3D

We share best practices on everything from finding artists to ensuring consistent quality and style.

Whether you’re new to outsourcing or want to improve your existing processes, be sure to check out our guide to take your 3D outsourcing to the next level.

Find our free guide here

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