
Metaverse Avatars and Interoperability

Guillaume Chichmanov
December 17, 2022

Metaverse Avatars are on the rise — whether you’re looking to just have fun and build an identity within the metaverse, or craft an image for your brand, these avatars are full of untapped potential.

Interoperability has become key to metaverse development, as it allows different virtual platforms and devices to work together seamlessly. In other words, it deconstructs the compartmentalization of virtual life to create one reality that more and more resembles that of the physical world.

Interoperability is essential for avatars, as they become an extension of ourselves and represent us within the metaverse. Without interoperability, users would be limited to using their avatars on a single platform, contradicting the subliminal mission behind creating the metaverse: an authentic, unified, parallel experience.

One standard that has been developed to promote interoperability for avatars in the metaverse is VRM (Virtual Reality Model). Developed by the non-profit organization VRM Consortium, this format allows users to create and share their custom avatars, which can then be used across different virtual platforms. This enables users to maintain a consistent identity and appearance in the metaverse, regardless of their platform.

The Key-Industry Players

In addition to standards like VRM, companies like ready player Me, Mona (which has featured Cominted Labs in one of its avatar design competitions), and Genies are also working to promote interoperability for avatars in the metaverse. Mona is a metaverse which lets you explore virtual spaces using your own VRM avatar. Whereas Ready Player Me & Genies offer the tools for anyone to build and personalize their digital characters. These avatars can then be used across different virtual platforms and devices, allowing users to maintain their presence and identity seamlessly within the metaverse. This unique feature allows for a fluid transition between various virtual experiences.

Genies is a startup that has been making waves in the avatar ecosystem. In addition to its avatar creation platform, the company offers a marketplace for users to buy and sell virtual goods and experiences. Genies stands out because of its highly sophisticated technology, which allows users to create personalized responses and interactions for their avatars, making them even more engaging and lifelike.

This aligns with Genies’ focus on social interaction — the company offers a range of tools and features that allow users to connect and communicate with other users, such as messaging and group chat. This helps to create a sense of community and connection in the metaverse, which is crucial in driving user engagement and retention. Overall, Genies’ avatar ecosystem offers a unique and innovative approach to avatars in the metaverse. With its use of AI technology and focus on social interactions, Genies is helping to drive the growth and evolution of the metaverse.

However, the indisputable leader in the metaverse avatar space is ready player Me. This startup, backed by Twitter and Google Ventures, has developed, in addition to its avatar creation platform, tools for developers to integrate avatars into virtual experiences. Not one to be left behind, Google recently acquired AI avatar startup Alter for $100 million, as reported by Forbes. This acquisition positions Google as a metaverse avatar field leader, highlighting the growing interest in avatars and their potential applications.

Alter’s technology allows users to create realistic, AI-powered avatars that can be used for various applications, such as virtual influencer marketing and virtual try-on experiences. One key aspect of Alter’s technology is its deep learning and natural language processing, allowing avatars to understand and respond to user input more naturally and intuitively. This technology also allows for a fabulous range of facial expressions and movements, making avatars more lifelike and engaging.

The Rise of Virtual Influencers

This has created the perfect space for the rise of the latest trend: virtual influencers, a direct result of the increasingly realistic metaverse avatars. Virtual influencers are avatars created and managed by companies or individuals, often used for marketing purposes. For example, virtual influencer Lil Miquela has gained a significant social media following and has shown up in campaigns for major brands such as Calvin Klein.

@lilmiquela – Virtual influencer with 2.9m followers

Virtual influencers offer unique advantages in the metaverse. They can be easily controlled and managed, allowing companies to carefully craft and curate their virtual influencer’s image and message, ensuring that it aligns with their brand. Virtual influencers are also customizable and personalized for different audiences and campaigns. Plus, they can be used in various virtual experiences, such as messaging and gaming, to engage and retain users. With their customizable and controllable nature, virtual influencers are poised to play an increasingly important role in the metaverse.

Overall, the development of interoperability for avatars in the metaverse is crucial for the growth and evolution of this virtual world. With standards like VRM and companies like ready player Me and Geniesleading the way, the metaverse is becoming an increasingly seamless and immersive experience for users.

As the metaverse continues to develop, we must keep an eye on how avatars and interoperability play a role in shaping the future of this digital world.

Cominted Labs has a talented team of artists and designers who can help you create 2D & 3D Avatars. Learn more about our Avatar design services here

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